Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems (BITS)
Academic Scholarships are available for new, first year undergraduates, enrolling in the VIT Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems (ICA70112) who are commencing their studies in Semester 1, 2017
We invite eligible prospective VIT students to apply for this opportunity by selecting VIT’s BITS program through the VTAC process.
Eligible Course (2017) | Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems (ICA70112) |
Eligibility / Selection Criteria | Applicants must: • Be an Australian citizen OR international student • Be registered with VTAC • Meet all course entry requirements • Qualify for FEE-HELP OR be a full fee paying student where a Tuition Fee shortfall exists • Be a commencing student studying full-time in Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems(ICA70112) with VIT, commencing in Semester 1, 2017. The primary selection criterion for an ACADEMIC scholarship will be applicant’s ATAR score as determined by VTAC. Where two or more students’ ATAR scores are identical, a weighting will apply to English and Mathematics scores. |
Number and Value of Scholarships | There are a total of up to 37 VIT BITS Scholarships across both the EQUITY and ACADEMIC streams: • 1 x Full tuition fees (for the full term of study) • 2 x 50% tuition fees (for the full term of study) • 4 x 25% tuition fees (for the full term of study) • 30 x $3000 one-off bursary amount (payable after successful completion of a student’s 1st semester of full time studies only) An internal committee will determine the distribution of scholarships between the Equity and Academic streams. |
How to apply | All applicants selecting VIT’s BITS program through the VTAC process will be automatically considered for an Academic Scholarship. All scholarship applications close by Sunday 19th February 2017. |
VIT BITS ACADEMIC Scholarship Conditions | 1. As a recipient of the scholarship, you must: a. Continue studies at VIT in all semesters, in line with the individual periods of the awarded scholarship. b. Maintain a full-time study load (comprising at least four units) c. Maintain satisfactory Credit academic performance average across all units, or any other specific academic performance standards required for the course. d. Seek your own independent advice from the relevant authorities on the effect, if any, that the Scholarship is likely to have on your eligibility for Government benefits or any taxation implications. 2. Payments will be made in two instalments for all years’ the scholarship is awarded and conditions are met. 3. If you fail to maintain the conditions as outlined in Item 1, without any exceptional circumstances, you may forfeit the scholarship. 4. Scholarships do not apply to ‘Cross Institutional Study’ undertaken at another institution. 5. The scholarship cannot be deferred. 6. Successful students have five (5) working days to accept a scholarship. 7. Students who take leave of absence (LOA) from their course will forfeit the scholarship and will not normally be eligible to apply for the scholarship when they commence study upon. In exceptional circumstances, VIT may approve continuation of the scholarship on the return from a period of LOA. 8. Students are not permitted to apply for this scholarship through an education agent 9. All scholarships are approved at VIT’s discretion and all decisions are final. |