Barcode No. | Title | Publisher | Author | Quality | ISBN |
01114 | 3ds Max 2015 Essentials | Sybex | Randi L. Derakhshani and Dariush Derakhshani | 1 | 9781118867211 |
01109 | Abode After Effects CS6 | Pearsons | 1 | 9780321822437 | |
01110 | Abode Dreamweaver CS6 | Pearsons | 1 | 9780321822451 | |
01111 | Abode Flash Professional CS6 | Pearsons | 1 | 9780321822512 | |
01354 | Accounting for Business: An Introduction | 1 | 733977421 | ||
01101 | Automotive mechanics 1: a blended learning package | Ed May, Les Simpson | 1 | 9781743079669 | |
01099 | Automotive mechanics 1: a blended learning package (Detailed competency mapping document) | Ed May, Les Simpson | 1 | N/A | |
01102 | Automotive mechanics 2: a blended learning package | Ed May, Les Simpson | 1 | 9781743079676 | |
01100 | Automotive mechanics 2: a blended learning package (Detailed competency mapping document) | Ed May, Les Simpson | 1 | N/A | |
01041 | BEGINNING XML. | Wrox Press | Hunter, David | 1 | 9781118162132 |
01121 | Caffeine for the creative team | How Books | Stefan Mumaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield | 1 | 9781600611186 |
01095 | CAMPUS NETWORK DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS. | Diane Teare, Catherine Paquet | 1 | 9781587052224 | |
01108 | CAMPUS NETWORK DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS. | Diane Teare, Catherine Paquet | 1 | 9781587052224 | |
01036 | CCNA SECURITY 640-554: OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | CISCO Press | Keith Barker, Scott Morris | 1 | 9781587204463 |
01136 | CCNA Study Guide Exam 640-802 | Sybex | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9780470901076 |
01061 | CCNA WIRELESS 640-722: OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | Cisco Press | David Hucaby | 1 | 9781587205620 |
01008 | CCNA: ROUTING AND SWITCHING STUDY GUIDE. | SYBEX | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9781118749616 |
01006 | CCNP ROUTE 642-902: OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION GUIDE. | Cisco Press | Wendell Odom | 1 | 9781587202537 |
01029 | CCNP SWITCH 642-813 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION GUIDE. | CISCO Press | David Hucaby | 1 | 9781587202438 |
01447 | Chocolates and Confections : Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner | Wiley; 2 edition | Peter P. Greweling | 1 | 9780470424414 |
01032 | CISCO CCENT/CCNA: ICND1 100-101 OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | CISCO Press | Odom, Wendell | 1 | 9781587143854 |
01033 | CISCO CCENT/CCNA: ICND1 100-101 OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | CISCO Press | Odom, Wendell | 1 | 9781587143854 |
01034 | CISCO CCENT/CCNA: ICND1 100-101 OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | CISCO Press | Odom, Wendell | 1 | 9781587143854 |
01035 | CISCO CCENT/CCNA: ICND1 100-101 OFFICIAL CERT GUIDE. | CISCO Press | Odom, Wendell | 1 | 9781587143854 |
01001 | CISCO CCNA ROUTING AND SWITCHING ICND2 200-101. | Cisco Press | Wendell Odom | 1 | 9781587143731 |
01389 | Cisco Networking Academy Program: First-Year Companion Guide | 1587130038 | |||
01384 | Collins Work On Your Grammar - Upper Intermediate B2 | 1 | 9780007499632 | ||
01339 | Communicating as professionals | Cengage Learning | Raymond Archee, Myra Gurney, Terry Mohan | 1 | 9780170214971 |
01340 | Communicating as professionals | Cengage Learning | Raymond Archee, Myra Gurney, Terry Mohan | 1 | 9780170214971 |
01049 | COMPTIA NETWORK+ STUDY GUIDE. | Wiley Pub | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9781118137550 |
01050 | COMPTIA NETWORK+ STUDY GUIDE. | Wiley Pub | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9781118137550 |
01051 | COMPTIA NETWORK+ STUDY GUIDE. | Wiley Pub | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9781118137550 |
01052 | COMPTIA NETWORK+ STUDY GUIDE. | Wiley Pub | Todd Lammle | 1 | 9781118137550 |
01034 | COMPTIA PROJECT+ STUDY GUIDE. | Kim Heldman, William Heldman | 1 | 9780470585924 | |
01044 | COMPTIA SECURITY + STUDY GUIDE. | Wiley Technology Pub | Emmett Dulaney | 1 | 9781118014738 |
01056 | COMPUTER SECURITY: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. | Pearson | William Stallings, Lawrie Brown with contributions by Mick Bauer and Michael Howard | 1 | 9780133773927 |
01341 | Cookery for ther hospitality industry | 9780521547581 | |||
01017 | CREATING A WEBSITE: THE MISSING MANUAL. | O'Reilly Media | Matthew MacDonald | 1 | 9781449301729 |
01018 | CREATING A WEBSITE: THE MISSING MANUAL. | O'Reilly Media | Matthew MacDonald | 1 | 9781449301729 |
01019 | CREATING A WEBSITE: THE MISSING MANUAL. | O'Reilly Media | Matthew MacDonald | 1 | 9781449301729 |
01020 | CREATING A WEBSITE: THE MISSING MANUAL. | O'Reilly Media | Matthew MacDonald | 1 | 9781449301729 |
01140 | Creating the perfect design brief: how to manage design for strategic advantage | Allworth Press | Peter L. Phillips | 1 | 9781581159141 |
01030 | CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. | William Stallings | 1 | 9780133354690 | |
01002 | DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. | Prentice Hall | Stallings, William | 1 | 9780133506488 |
01004 | DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. | Prentice Hall | William Stallings | 1 | 9780133506488 |
01005 | DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. | Prentice Hall | William Stallings | 1 | 9780133506488 |
01062 | DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. | William Stallings | 1 | 9780133506488 | |
01080 | DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-364; ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470889169 | |
01081 | DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-364; ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470889169 | |
01082 | DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-364; ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470889169 | |
01083 | DATABASE FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-364; ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470889169 | |
01338 | Database Systems:Global Edition | 1 | 9780132144988 | ||
01113 | Designing Interfaces | O'Reilly | Jenifer Tidwel | 1 | 9781449379704 |
01107 | e-Learning 2.0 | Amacom | Anita Rosen | 1 | 9780814410738 |
01103 | Ethics in Information Technology | Cengage Learning | George W. Reynolds | 1 | 9781285197159 |
01104 | Ethics in Information Technology | Cengage Learning | George W. Reynolds | 1 | 9781285197159 |
01105 | Ethics in Information Technology | Cengage Learning | George W. Reynolds | 1 | 9781285197159 |
01106 | Ethics in Information Technology | Cengage Learning | George W. Reynolds | 1 | 9781285197159 |
01444 | Exam 70-413 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure | John Wiley & Sons Inc | Microsoft Official Academic Course | 1 | 9781118789186 |
01055 | EXAM 70-680: WINDOWS 7 CONFIGURATION: WINDOWS 7 CONFIGURATION. | Wiley | Microsoft Official Academic Course | 1 | 9780470875094 |
01037 | FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS. | Pearson | Elmasri, Ramez | 1 | 9780136086208 |
01038 | FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS. | Pearson | Elmasri, Ramez | 1 | 9780136086208 |
01039 | FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS. | Pearson | Elmasri, Ramez | 1 | 9780136086208 |
01040 | FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS. | Pearson | Elmasri, Ramez | 1 | 9780136086208 |
01387 | Headway Academic Skills: 3: Listening, Speaking, and Study Skills Student's Book | 1 | 9780194741583 | ||
01383 | Headway Academic Skills: Reading, Writing and Study - Level 3 - Student's Book | 1 | 9780194741613 | ||
01430 | HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide | Peachpit Press | Elizabeth Castro, Bruce Hyslop | 1 | 9780321928832 |
01012 | HTML5 STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Faithe Wempen | 1 | 9780735645264 |
01013 | HTML5 STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Faithe Wempen | 1 | 9780735645264 |
01014 | HTML5 STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Faithe Wempen | 1 | 9780735645264 |
01015 | HTML5 STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Faithe Wempen | 1 | 9780735645264 |
01112 | Information Architecture | O'Reilly | Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld | 1 | 9780596527341 |
01073 | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECT MANAGEMENT. | Kathy Schwalbe | 1 | 9781285847092 | |
01042 | INTRODUCTION TO JAVA PROGRAMMING: COMPREHENSIVE VERSION. | Pearson/Prentice Hall | Y. Daniel Liang | 1 | 9780133761313 |
01057 | IT ESSENTIALS: PC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPANION GUIDE. | Cisco Press | David Anfinson | 1 | 9781587133084 |
01058 | IT ESSENTIALS: PC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPANION GUIDE. | Cisco Press | David Anfinson | 1 | 9781587133084 |
01059 | IT ESSENTIALS: PC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPANION GUIDE. | Cisco Press | David Anfinson | 1 | 9781587133084 |
01060 | IT ESSENTIALS: PC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPANION GUIDE. | Cisco Press | David Anfinson | 1 | 9781587133084 |
01117 | IT Work Skills | Pearsons | Elizabeth Lee and Norman Lee | 1 | 9780733991325 |
01118 | IT Work Skills | Pearsons | Elizabeth Lee and Norman Lee | 1 | 9780733991325 |
01119 | IT Work Skills | Pearsons | Elizabeth Lee and Norman Lee | 1 | 9780733991325 |
01120 | IT Work Skills | Pearsons | Elizabeth Lee and Norman Lee | 1 | 9780733991325 |
01009 | JAVASCRIPT STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Steve Suehring | 1 | 9780735665934 |
01010 | JAVASCRIPT STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Steve Suehring | 1 | 9780735665934 |
01011 | JAVASCRIPT STEP BY STEP. | O'Reilly Media | Steve Suehring | 1 | 9780735665934 |
01069 | JAVASCRIPT STEP BY STEP. | Steve Suehring | 1 | 9780735665934 | |
01441 | MBA - Fundamentals of Business Law | McGraw-Hill Education - Europe | Margaret Barron | 1 | 9780070139008 |
01439 | MBA - Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management | John Wiley & Sons Inc | John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher, Roya Javadpour | 1 | 9781119998846 |
01440 | MBA - Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis : A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics | Cengage Learning, Inc | Cliff T. Ragsdale | 1 | 9781285418681 |
01071 | MCITP SELF-PACED TRAINING KIT (EXAM 70-646): WINDOWS SERVER 2008 SERVER ADMINISTRATOR. | Orin Thomas, Ian McLean | 1 | 9780735649095 | |
01025 | MCTS SELF-PACED TRAINING KIT (EXAM 70-511): WIN- DOWS APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT WITH MICROSOFT.NET | Microsoft | Matthew A. Stoecker | 1 | 9780735627420 |
01053 | MCTS SELF-PACED TRAINING KIT (EXAM 70-516): ACCESSING DATA WITH MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK 4. | Microsoft | Glenn Johnson | 1 | 9780735627390 |
01123 | MCTS Windows Server Visulization Configuration Study Guide Exam 70-652 | Sybex | William Panek | 1 | 9780470449301 |
01124 | MCTS Windows Server Visulization Configuration Study Guide Exam 70-652 | Sybex | William Panek | 1 | 9780470449301 |
01031 | MCTS: WINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2 COMPLETE STUDY GUIDE. | Prentice Hall | Panek, William | 1 | 9780470948460 |
01093 | MICROSOFT ASP.NET 4 STEP BY STEP. | George Shepherd | 1 | 9780735627017 | |
01431 | Microsoft Office 2016 for Dummies | 9781119077374 | |||
01094 | MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2010 DEVELOPER'S HANDBOOK. | Klaus Löffelmann, Sarika Calla Purohit | 1 | 9780735627055 | |
01092 | MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2010 STEP BY STEP. | Michael Halvorson | 1 | 9780735626690 | |
01355 | Microsoft Visual Basic 2015 for Windows, Web, Windows Store, and Database Applications: Comprehensive | Cengage Learning | Corinne Hoisington | 1 | 9781285856896 |
01316 | Microsoft Visual C# 2005 step by step | Microsoft | John Sharp | 1 | 9780735621299 |
01043 | MICROSOFT VISUAL C# 2010 STEP BY STEP. | Microsoft Press | John Sharp | 1 | 9780735626706 |
01065 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS NETWORKING ESSENTIALS. | Darril Gibson | 1 | 9781118016855 | |
01066 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS NETWORKING ESSENTIALS. | Darril Gibson | 1 | 9781118016855 | |
01067 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS NETWORKING ESSENTIALS. | Darril Gibson | 1 | 9781118016855 | |
01068 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS NETWORKING ESSENTIALS. | Darril Gibson | 1 | 9781118016855 | |
01074 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS SECURITY: ESSENTIALS. | Darril Gibson | 1 | 9781118016848 | |
01045 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION: ESSENTIALS. | Wiley | Tom Carpenter | 1 | 9781118016862 |
01046 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION: ESSENTIALS. | Wiley | Tom Carpenter | 1 | 9781118016862 |
01047 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION: ESSENTIALS. | Wiley | Tom Carpenter | 1 | 9781118016862 |
01048 | MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION: ESSENTIALS. | Wiley | Tom Carpenter | 1 | 9781118016862 |
01054 | NETWORK SECURITY ESSENTIALS: APPLICATIONS AND STANDARDS. | Prentice Hall | William Stallings | 1 | 9780133370430 |
01016 | OBJECT-ORIENTED MODELING AND DESIGN WITH UML. | Pearson/Prentice Hall | Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh | 1 | 9780130159205 |
01142 | Participant Guide BSBRSK501B - Manage risk | 1 | |||
01126 | Participant Guide BSBSUS201A - Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices | ||||
01141 | Participant Guide BSBSUS501A - Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability | 1 | |||
01143 | Participant Guide BSBWOR501B - Manage personal work priorities and professional development | 1 | |||
01135 | Participant Guide SITXCCS501 - Manage quality customer service | ||||
01134 | Participant Guide SITXCOM401 - Manage conflict | ||||
01133 | Participant Guide SITXFIN401 - Interpret financial information | ||||
01132 | Participant Guide SITXFIN402 - Manage finances within a budget | ||||
01131 | Participant Guide SITXGLC501 - Research and comply with regulatory requirements | ||||
01130 | Participant Guide SITXHRM501 - Recruit, select and induct staff | ||||
01129 | Participant Guide SITXHRM503 - Monitor staff performance | ||||
01128 | Participant Guide SITXMGT501 - Establish and conduct business relationships | ||||
01127 | Participant Guide SITXMPR502 - Develop and implement marketing strategies | ||||
01391 | Professional Patisserie: For Levels 2, 3 and Professional Chefs | HODDER EDUCATION | Chris Barker [et al] | 1 | 9781444196443 |
01428 | Professional Patisserie: For Levels 2, 3 and Professional Chefs | HODDER EDUCATION | Chris Barker [et al] | 1 | 9781444196443 |
01429 | Professional Patisserie: For Levels 2, 3 and Professional Chefs | HODDER EDUCATION | Chris Barker [et al] | 1 | 9781444196443 |
01075 | QUALITY SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Vol. 1 | Robert T. Futrell, Donald F. Shafer and Linda I. Shafer | 1 | 9780130912978 | |
01098 | QUALITY SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Vol. 2 | Robert T. Futrell, Donald F. Shafer and Linda I. Shafer | 1 | 9780130912978 | |
01115 | Security Fundamentals | Microsoft | 1 | 9780470901847 | |
01076 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-361 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | [editor: Bryan Gambrel] | 1 | 9780470889114 | |
01077 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-361 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | [editor: Bryan Gambrel] | 1 | 9780470889114 | |
01078 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-361 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | [editor: Bryan Gambrel] | 1 | 9780470889114 | |
01079 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-361 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | [editor: Bryan Gambrel] | 1 | 9780470889114 | |
01385 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-361 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | [editor: Bryan Gambrel] | 1 | 9780470889114 | |
01007 | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH. | McGraw-Hill | Roger S. Pressman | 1 | 9780078022128 |
01003 | SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. | Prentice Hall | Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall | 1 | 9780133023442 |
01399 | The Art of the Chocolatier : From Classic Confections to Sensational Showpieces | John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Ewald Notter | 1 | 9780470398845 |
01446 | The Art of the Confectioner: Sugarwork and Pastillage | Wiley | Joe Brooks, Lucy Schaeffer | 1 | 9780470398920 |
01145 | The complete National Geographic: every issue since 1888 of National Geographic magazine of your computer | National Geographic | National Geographic | 1 | 9781426346590 |
01146 | The complete National Geographic: every issue since 1888 of National Geographic magazine of your computer | National Geographic | National Geographic | 1 | 9781426346590 |
01147 | The complete National Geographic: every issue since 1888 of National Geographic magazine of your computer | National Geographic | National Geographic | 1 | 9781426346590 |
01148 | The complete National Geographic: every issue since 1888 of National Geographic magazine of your computer | National Geographic | National Geographic | 1 | 9781426346590 |
01445 | The Cook's Book: Patisserie Showpieces | Pearson Education Australia | Brendan Hill | 1 | 9780864584588 |
01317 | The Dam Book: digital asset management for photographers | O'Reilly | Peter Krogh | 1 | 9780596523572 |
01448 | The Professional Cook's Book : Commercial Cookery | Tertiary Press | Deirdre Jane McLean | 1 | 9780864583338 |
01063 | TOP-DOWN NETWORK DESIGN. | Priscilla Oppenheimer | 1 | 9781587202834 | |
01021 | VISUAL C# 2012 HOW TO PROGRAM. | Prentice Hall | Paul Deitel, Deitel & Associates | 1 | 9780133379334 |
01022 | VISUAL C# 2012 HOW TO PROGRAM. | Prentice Hall | Paul Deitel, Deitel & Associates | 1 | 9780133379334 |
01023 | VISUAL C# 2012 HOW TO PROGRAM. | Prentice Hall | Paul Deitel, Deitel & Associates | 1 | 9780133379334 |
01024 | VISUAL C# 2012 HOW TO PROGRAM. | Prentice Hall | Paul Deitel, Deitel & Associates | 1 | 9780133379334 |
01379 | Vocational Training and Assessment | 9780070998445 | |||
01091 | WEB DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-363; ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470889152 | |
01087 | WEB ENGINEERING: A PRACTITIONER'S APPROACH. | Roger S. Pressman, David Lowe | 1 | 9780073523293 | |
01096 | Windows 7 configuration : lab manual / | Craig Zacker | 1 | 9780470875100 | |
01070 | WINDOWS 7 RESOURCE KIT; MITCH TULLOCH ... ET AL. | Mitch Tulloch ... [et al.] | 1 | 9780735627000 | |
01090 | WINDOWS DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-362 ED. BY BRYAN GAMBREL. | Gambrel, Bryan | 1 | 9780470889138 | |
01138 | Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration Exam 70-642 | Microsoft | 1 | 9780470225158 | |
01139 | Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration Exam 70-642 - Lab Manual | Microsoft | 1 | 9780470225141 | |
01026 | WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-365. | John Wiley & Sons Inc | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470901823 |
01027 | WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-365. | John Wiley & Sons Inc | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470901823 |
01028 | WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-365. | John Wiley & Sons Inc | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470901823 |
01097 | WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-365. | John Wiley & Sons Inc | Microsoft Corporation | 1 | 9780470901823 |
01137 | WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS, EXAM 98-365. | Microsoft | 1 | 9780470901823 | |
01122 | Windows Setrver 2008 Hyper-V Resource Kit | Microsoft | 1 | 9780735625174 | |
01088 | WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS. | William Stallings | 1 | 9780131918351 | |
01116 | Workplace Communications: the basics | Pearsons | George J. Searles | 1 | 9781292062372 |
01125 | Workplace Communications: the basics | Pearsons | George J. Searles | 1 | 9781292062372 |
01352 | Financial Management | Pearson Education Australia | Wilson Keers Medlen | 1 | 9780733978708 |