Government-Subsidised Training & Fees

The Victorian Training Guarantee

Now is the ideal time to make a start on gaining new skills, or upgrading your existing skills, to help you get the job you want.

The Victorian Training Guarantee is makes vocational training more accessible to people who do not hold a post-school qualification, or who want to gain a higher level qualification than they already hold.

There are now an unlimited number of government-subsidised training places available to people who meet the eligibility criteria.

Am I eligible for a government-subsidised training place?

Generally, you are eligible for a government-subsidised training place if you are:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian Permanent Resident (holder of a permanent visa)
  • a New Zealand citizen

and are any of the following:

  • under 20 years of age
  • seeking to enrol in a Foundation Skills List course (and do not hold a Diploma or above qualification or are receiving core skills training in other sectors)
  • seeking to enrol in VCE or VCAL
  • seeking to enrol in an apprenticeship
  • 20 years and older and ‘upskilling’ by seeking to enrol in a course at a higher level than your existing qualification.

If you are enrolled at a school, you will not be able to receive a government-subsidised training place for a course through the Victorian Training Guarantee, unless you are undertaking the course as part of a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. The Government supports schools in other ways to offer vocational training to their students, so you should discuss all your options with your school.

You can also check what you may be eligible for using the interactive Victorian Skills Gateway Eligibility Indicator.

Foundation Skills List (pdf – 23.52kb)

How many courses am I eligible for?

You are eligible to commence a maximum of two subsidised courses at the same qualification level in your lifetime. This restriction applies whether or not you complete the courses. For example, this means if you have already commenced two courses at the Certificate III level, you may only commence courses at the Certificate IV level (or above).

This restriction does not apply to courses on the Foundation Skills List or to students recommencing training in the same qualification (at the same or a different provider).

Under exceptional circumstances students may apply for an exemption to the rule allowing only two commencements at the same level, enabling them to enrol in a further qualification at the same level. See the Frequently Asked Questions for information about this. No exemptions are available for any other eligibility criteria.

In addition, eligible students can begin up to two subsidised courses in a year as long as you are not doing any more than two courses at a time.


If you are seeking to enrol in an apprenticeship (not a traineeship) and you have already commenced two courses in that same year, you will be eligible for government subsidised training under the Victorian Training Guarantee if either of the two courses you previously commenced are included on the Higher Education and Skills Pre-Apprenticeship and Pathway qualifications list:

Pre-Apprenticeship and Pathway Qualifications List (pdf – 20.72kb)

What if I want to study and I don’t meet the eligibility criteria?

You can still study at your choice of training provider if places are available, but you may not be able to access a government-subsidised place.

Some training providers do not provide government-subsidised training places and charge full fee for service rates. Some courses are only offered as full fee for service.

If you meet the above criteria, please call us on 03 9670 7848 or send an email to

Course Fees

The following fees apply to all students who meet the criteria for government funded training under the Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG).

Statement of Fees

Please note – A non-refundable $199.00 application fee applies per course enrolment.

Course Name Course Code
Certificate III in Commercial CookeryΛ SIT30813
Certificate IV in Commercial CookeryΛ SIT40413
Certificate III in PatisserieΛ SIT31113
Certificate IV in PatisserieΛ SIT40713
Diploma of Hospitality SIT50313
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality SIT60313
Diploma of Information Technology Networking ICA50415
Diploma of Interactive Digital Media CUF50207
Diploma of Business BSB50215
Advanced Diploma of Business BSB60215
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40110
Course in Preliminary Spoken and Written English 10361NAT
Certificate I in Spoken and Written English 10362NAT
Certificate II in Spoken and Written English 10363NAT
Certificate III in EAL (Further Study) 22255VIC
Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) 22258VIC

Statement of Fees:
The following fees apply to all students who meet the criteria for government subsidised training under the Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG). Click here to see the Statement of Fees details.

Course delivery, outline, units and trainers are subject to change without notification.

* The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student services and amenity fees (for eg: Uniform, Toolkit & Resources required are at additional cost).

Λ Students require a Uniform, Toolkit and Safety boots.

Please Note: Enrolling in any of the above Qualifications may affect your future training options and eligibility for further government subsidised training under the Victorian Training Guarantee.



Note: Time tables, trainers and training rooms may be subject to change at a short notice due to exigencies. All classes are subject to minimum numbers and therefore may be varied or cancelled.

VIT Class Based Timetable 2016 (Domestic and Government-Subsidised Students)

Learner Protections:

  1. A ten business day cooling-off period
  2. The Pre-Training Review ensures that VIT:
    • Understand your objectives for undertaking the qualification(s)
    • Explores your current competencies and provides opportunities for these to be assessed through
    • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) or Credit Transfer (CT)
    • Ascertain the most suitable qualification(s) for you to enrol based on your current educational attainment, capabilities including language, literacy and numeracy, aspirations and interests
    • Determines your training and assessment needs
  3. Unlimited access to trainers/assessors
  4. Contact the Institute any time by email
  5. Access to a thorough Complaints and Appeals process
  6. Access to our student support
  7. Flexible learning options
  8. Payment plans

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding.

Courses can be customized to individual requirements within the Qualification*.


Please speak to one of our training consultants.

* Flexible Timings… Weekdays, Weekends, Evenings – Part Time, Full Time & Fast Track
* Conditions Apply