7 October 2010, Climate Alliance Conference Sponsor

VIT was a proud sponsor of the 2010 Climate Alliance National Conference & Business Leadership Awards held on the 7th of October at Karstens Conference Centre, Melbourne.
The conference featured speakers and panelists:

Ambassador Daly EU Delegation, Canberra
Luke Chamberlain The Wilderness Society
Frank O’Connor Mayor, City of Port Philip
Professor John Thwaites Chair, Climate Works
Jon Jutsen Director, Energetics
Jeremy Baskin Director, University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
Peter Binks Director, Ceramic Fuel Cell Ltd
Merv Jones Chairman, Pacific Environment Ltd and Director, Orbital Corporation
Nathan Fabian CEO, IGCC
Paddy Manning National Chief of Staff, Fairfax Media
Ian Dunlop Chair, Safe Climate Australia and Member of the Club of Rome
Liz Bossley Director, CEAG
Ben Scheltus CEO Climate Alliance

2010 Climate Alliance Business Leadership Awards winners were:

Board Leadership of the Year: The National Australia Bank
Leadership of the Year: Mr Rob Grant
Innovato/Exporter of the Year: Hepburn Wind
With a Special Commendation Award: Sydney Water
